February 11, 2025, 05:58:39 AM
Version 0.20 - four village quests
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New year, new version. This time I mainly focused on the plot, which is now 3x longer ;) The rest are minor improvements and fixes that came out during the tests. Unfortunately, you can't use auto update because I made a fix there and it couldn't update itself. From the next version it should be able to.

CaRpg 0.19 (137 MB)


Code: [Select]
! cannot load saves from version 0.9 or older
+ continued storyline with 4 subquests
+ destroyable barricade
+ can pick exact value how long to rest in inn
+ better npc targeting for spell casting aroud corners
+ improvements to raise spell
+ alchemy panel improvements, potions created from team ingredients are now team items
+ converted quests "kill animals", "dire wolf" to script
+ adding loading save file to crash report
+ update libraries: Bullet Physics 3.2.4, Curl 7.86, DirectXMath 3.17b, FMod 2.02.11, JSON for Modern C++ 3.11.2, zlib 1.2.13
- inconsistency in quest "kill animals" between dialog and received gold
- adding notest on second page didn't work
- missing hit effect for client training targets
- missing hit effect for npc training targets
- bugged news text after completing bandits collect toll quest
- better search box for locations
- npc couldn't cast heal on himself inside building
- wrong drunk idle texts inside inn
- incompatibility in world map between client and server
- quest "kill animals" could pick already cleared location and there would be no enemies
- couldn't finish quest "herbs for the alchemist" [Zielu]
- when asking about nearby locations npc don't say that hunters camp is empty [Zielu]
- broken save when exited to menu and started new game
- in multiplayer starting with hunter didn't revealed where the camp is [Zielu]
- no animation when npc talk that he don't have potions in combat [Zielu]


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