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Topic Summary

Posted by: Tomashu
« on: December 10, 2022, 15:00:10 PM »

The first and probably the last version this year :-[ After a long break I came back to work on carpg, the changes are mainly bug fixes.

CaRpg 0.19 (132 MB)

Code: [Select]
! cannot load saves from version 0.8 or older
+ slower movement when shooting/casting
+ scene manager improvements - ground items
+ shortcuts for fast travel notification (F1/F3)
+ converted quest "lost artifact" to script
+ removed useless console commands
+ UI improvements
- crash when leave location, save on worldmap & load
- crash when loading game in dungeon with vines effect
- broken skill tooltips
- ai don't change target while attacking
- taking equiped item from corpse wrongly updated inventory view
- when finished traveler quest another traveler quest in same location will never timeout
- script error on quest timeout with "find artifact"/"stolen artifact" in dungeon with single level
- wrong fast travel accept icon
- missing application icon when starting in fullscreen
- hide crosshair when talking
- not refreshing ability cooldowns on short travels
- sometimes stairs was generated next to doors
- don't spawn traps under objects
- fixed scaled unit points