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Topic Summary

Posted by: Tomashu
« on: January 29, 2021, 13:30:50 PM »

Sadly there was some major bugs that stayed not fixed for long time... This is first patch that uses automatic updates, hopefully everything works. But if it doesn't I will upload zip file :P

Code: [Select]
- all random dungeons had same appearance
- when using take all items from corpse active magic effects was removed from player
- invalid weight calculation on server side when client used pick all button
- not visible player text in buildings
- invalid player nick in chat in singleplayer
- when player lies on ground and ally don't see enemy he stands and do nothing [Groszek]
- crash when hitting someone with bull's charge [ecusredio]
- poor targeting when summoning wolf in dungeon [julie]
- client crash when summoned wolf disappear [julie]